

let me first tell





let me first tell

I’m very happy for 2 reasons today. Firstly, because today I finally got myself to make tarts – which by the way is an achievement for me as i have been procrastinating it almost forever. Dunno why, but haven’t you ever had something that you’ve always wanted to try and never gotten around to doing it ? Well this was it for me. And after i made it i was wondering why on earth didn’t it try it earlier. It was so damn easy … what was i fussing about ! Be that as it may, these ones turned out amazingly well. A wonderful crumbly crust, it was the right colour and perfect texture- Cant help but show them off to you :p ! Banoffee, by the way, is an English dessert . The name Banoffee comes from the words “banana” and “toffee”, its two main ingredients. Before moving on to the recipe for this delicious treat, let me first tell GDV fine wines 

I have been nominated for the “Best Food Blog” category in the Blogger’s Choice Awards!! I’m awfully thrilled at this huge honor, considering I’m still pretty new at this. I owe the nomination to Mohini of Mango Power Girl who is even sweeter than the King of Fruits that she swears by! Since the winners are chosen by popular vote, I request you to please give me 2 mins of your time, in registering and voting for me by simply clicking on the box below. It really would mean a lot to me as I’m really excited about this Touch Overlay.

Prepare the pastry by rubbing the cold butter with the flour and icing sugar until a fine crumb is achieved. Add the egg yolks and bring together. Wrap in cling film and chill for at least two hours.

Place the tins of condensed milk into a heavy bottomed pot and cover with water and simmer for three hours. Keep covered with water at all times, remove after three hours and allow to cool completely.
Roll out the pastry and line individual pastry rings . Trim off the excess pastry and blind bake until the base is golden brown. Allow to cool, and store in an air tight box till ready to use.
To assemble the banoffee tarts, pour the toffee into the tart till 3/4th full. Layer the slices of banana and cover with whipped cream. Garnish with chocolate shavings and chill well before serving.
I must confess that these little tarts were heavy. So if you’re planning to serve these for a dinner party, make sure you keep some space for the dessert while planning the menu iphone 4 screen protector.



No Name Ninja